How to find head units compatible with the DCI

Do you want to browse for compatible head units and compare features?
Use this link to Crutchfield's web site to see all Single-DIN Sony and Pioneer head units compatible with our DCI. Once on the Crutchfiled site, you can filter the results by specific brands or features using the selectors on the left side of the page.

You may want to limit your search to head units that fit the S2000, if so, look for this symbol on the Crutchfield site and tell them what car you have.

Do you want to check compatibility for ONE specific head unit? 
Click this link to Crutchfield and put your model number in the search box (top of page).  When the head unit page appears, scroll down and click the "Details" tab to see the Features and Specs. About 10-15 items down look for "Steering Wheel Control Compatible".  If it says "Adapter Required" then it will work with the DCI.

Head unit not listed at Crutchfield?
Check the head unit installation manual to see if it is described as compatible with a "steering wheel interface" or "OEM controls adapter".  If it is, then it will work with our DCI as long as it's one of the brands we support.